This excellent book is a collection of the inspiring spiritual wisdom of Bhagwan Swaminarayan on topics essential for all seeking true inner peace.
It is a translation from the Hindi Vraj-language verses of the Haricharitramrut-Sagar. The Haricharitramrut-Sagar was composed by Siddhanand Muni in the 19th century and is based on Muktanand Swami’s diaries in which he noted the divine episodes and Messages of Bhagvan Swaminarayan. This monumental Shastra comprises 80,000 verses in various poetic meters. It is truly a unique work, not just in the Swaminarayan Sampraday, but in the entire field of Hindi Literature.
The Haricharitramurt-Sagar narrates many divine episodes from the life of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and his spiritual discourses.
‘Purushottam Bolya Prite’ is a compilation of the spiritual wisdom imparted by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in the Haricharitramrut-sagar and is presented under the following subject headings:
- Satsang
- Dharma, Niyam, Sadachar
- Abhav-avgun, Droh
- Agnapalan
- Parabrahman Purushottam Narayan
- Bhakti, Ekantik Dharma
- Nirdosh Buddhi, Divyabhav
- Het-prit
- Nirmanipanu
- Aksharbrahman
- Khap-Sahanshilta
- Bhakta
- Daspanu
- Nishkamvrat, Brahmacharya
- Ekantik Satpurush
- Dehbhav
- Sansar
- Asatpurush, Asadhu
- Guru
- Tyagi Sadhu
- Pragat
- Upasana-Nishchay-Ashro
- Shri Harina Swabhavik Gun
- Man-motap
- Sukh-Dukh
- Panchvishay
- Maya
- Kapat-Nishkapat
- Shri Harini Ruchi, Swabhavik Gun
- Prakirna
- Shri Harina Charitranu Achman
This book is essential reading for all seeking to understand Bhagwan Swaminarayan’s spiritual messages and aspiring for greater spiritual heights. |
Compiled and translated by: Sadhu Aksharjivandas
ISBN: 81-7526369-5
1st Edition: April 2008
Language: Gujarati
Pages: 494
by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Shahibaug, Ahmedabad - 4 India.
Copyright: ©
2008, Swaminarayan Aksharpith - Photographs.
Available at all BAPS centers in India,
UK, USA, Australia & E. Africa.